Center for Open Science

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COS, Science Exchange and eLife release first results of cancer reproducibility project
The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology (RP:CB) is an initiative to conduct direct replications of 50 high-impact cancer biology studies. The project anticipates learning...
The Center for Open Science Releases a Comprehensive, Open Source Preprints Solution
The Center for Open Science (COS) is pleased to announce that it has extended the capabilities of its new open source preprints service, OSF |Preprints to include branded service...
The Center for Open Science Receives Grant from DARPA to Support Its Next Generation Social Science (NGS2) Program
TheCenter for Open Science(COS) is pleased to announce that it has received a $1.8M grant in support of aDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) initiative on the...
Scientific Data Adds the Open Science Framework to Its List of Recommended Repositories
November 14, 2016 | Charlottesville, VA We are pleased to announce that the Center for Open Science’s (COS) signature software tool, the Open Science Framework (OSF,https://osf/io
Expanding our generalist data repository options
Today’s update adds three additional generalist repositories to our recommended repository list – Harvard Dataverse, Open Science Framework and Zenodo.
Center for Open Science Internship Program Leads to Eight New Hires
For three consecutive years, the Center for Open Science has hosted a remarkable summer intern program, and we’d like to announce another successful year for the program. Interns...
Center for Open Science Announces Technology Collaboration with Overleaf
The Center for Open Science (COS), a non-profit science and technology company, today announced a new collaboration with Overleaf, a leading online Rich Text and LaTeX...
New Research Contest Announced to Study the 2016 Election
How can scholars study politics most effectively? The Election Research Preacceptance Competition is an innovative initiative that will test a new approach to conducting and...
The Center for Open Science receives $7.5 million in additional funding from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation
The Center for Open Science (COS) has been awarded an additional $7.5 million in funding from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation (LJAF). This two-year grant provides operating...
Badges acknowledging open practices dramatically increase data sharing
A very simple intervention increased rates of data sharing at a major psychology journal more than ten-fold observed a team of researchers in a paper published today in PLOS...
The Center for Open Science and the University of Notre Dame Partner to Advance Technologies That Support Long-Term Solutions for Open Science Initiatives
The Center for Open Science (COS) is pleased to announce a multi-year partnership with the University of Notre Dame to support long-term solutions for open science by integrating...
The Center for Open Science Announces Collaboration with the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics
The Center for Open Science (COS), a non-profit science and technology company, today announced a new collaboration with the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics (Busara), a...