The Center for Open Science and the University of Notre Dame Partner to Advance Technologies That Support Long-Term Solutions for Open Science Initiatives

Jan. 26, 2016

The Center for Open Science (COS) is pleased to announce a multi-year partnership with the University of Notre Dame to support long-term solutions for open science by integrating Notre Dame services with COS’s free, open source web application, the Open Science Framework (OSF). The partnership serves as a model for community-driven development of the OSF to support the needs of researchers within the institutional environment. The collaboration combines the expertise of a major, technologically-advanced research university with the agility of a mission-driven, independent, non-profit tech company.

The Open Science Framework is a free, scholarly commons that increases efficiency of research by organizing the entire research lifecycle in one location. Simplified project management tools such as automated versioning, fine-grained privacy controls, connections to other applications, and bibliographic citations that include persistent identifiers make conducting and sharing research seamless. To begin, Notre Dame’s Center for Research Computing (ND CRC) and Hesburgh Libraries will contribute extensive expertise in high performance computing, cyberinfrastructure development, research software development, data management, semantics, and metadata. Notre Dame is a major partner in several open science initiatives including the National Data Service (NDS), a community driven effort to simplify finding, using, and publishing data; NSF-funded Data and Software Preservation for Open Science (DASPOS), a collaborative effort to explore preservation techniques for high energy physics datasets, software, and architecture; and the Vector-Borne Disease Network (VecNet), a repository for modeling the impacts of interventions on malaria transmission and control.

As part of the partnership, Notre Dame will also integrate its institutional repository, CurateND, with the OSF while performing an audit of OSF features against project management needs of the University. This will enable researchers to archive their research data directly into CurateND from the active research environment. Further, both groups will test the registration of the VecNet digital library of malaria data files on OSF, use the OSF as the interface for the backend dashboard developed for the NDS, and work on a reproducible software engineering environment by creating and documenting a development environment for the OSF. Notre Dame will connect these initiatives with the OSF, providing users with a more seamless workflow experience.


This partnership lays the foundation for the integration of OSF at a local, institutional level. Institutional branding and central authentication on the OSF will foster ease of use and trust amongst university researchers. Integrating the OSF with institutional repositories will promote long-term preservation of data and sharing with research collaborators. Enhanced functionality for metadata description on the OSF will help increase discoverability of research and support institutional data preservation workflows.

Andrew Sallans, COS Partnerships, Collaborations, and Funding Manager states, “This partnership highlights how aligned the Center for Open Science and Notre Dame are in increasing transparency in scientific research. OSF for Institutions is a big step for COS in refining the Open Science Framework in ways that add value for institutions, and we found a wonderful development partner for this effort. Through integrated authentication and institutional branding, OSF for Institutions will help the University highlight the breadth of research being conducted there, allow for easier curation of data, and showcase the impact of research outputs.”

“We are thrilled to engage in this new partnership with the Center for Open Science. Not only do our research missions align, but being able to contribute our resources to support open, reliable, and reproducible science will help propel scientific research into an uninhibited realm in the future,” says Jarek Nabrzyski, Director of the Center for Research Computing.

"In keeping with our mission, the Hesburgh Libraries are committed to help manage, preserve, curate, and globally share the research and associated data created at Notre Dame. This exciting, forward-thinking partnership with the Center for Open Science will lead the way for streamlining this process, meeting data sharing mandates, and increasing opportunities for impact for all researchers around the world,” says Edward H. Arnold University Librarian Diane Parr Walker.

About the Center for Open Science

The Center for Open Science (COS) is a non-profit technology startup founded in 2013 with a mission to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research. COS pursues this mission by building communities around open science practices, supporting metascience research, and developing and maintaining free, open source software tools. The Open Science Framework (OSF), COS’s flagship product, is a web application that connects and supports the research workflow, enabling scientists to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their research. Researchers use the OSF to collaborate, document, archive, share, and register research projects, materials, and data. Learn more at and, or follow us on Twitter @OSFramework

About the University of Notre Dame

Founded in 1842, the University of Notre Dame provides a distinctive voice in higher education that is at once rigorously intellectual, unapologetically moral in orientation, and firmly embracing of a service ethos. The nation’s pre-eminent Catholic university and rated among the top 20 of all U.S. institutions of higher learning, Notre Dame is organized into four undergraduate colleges — Arts and Letters, Science, Engineering, and the Mendoza College of Business — the School of Architecture, the Law School, the Graduate School, 10 major research institutes, more than 40 centers and special programs, and the University library system. Located adjacent to the city of South Bend, Indiana, which has a metropolitan population of more than 300,000, Notre Dame is highly residential, with 80 percent of students living on campus, and also is known for the quality of its physical plant and the beauty of its campus, including the Golden Dome of the Main Building, the world’s most recognized university landmark. For more information on Notre Dame research, please see or @UNDResearch.

About the Hesburgh Libraries

The Hesburgh Libraries is a diverse system featuring the flagship Hesburgh Library, which houses specialty libraries and centers, and eight branch libraries located throughout the Notre Dame campus. Home to nearly 200 library faculty and staff, the Libraries hold more than 3.5 million monographs and subscribe to more than 35,000 serials. The vast array of expertise, services, resources and spaces help to support the teaching, learning and research at Notre Dame. Digital library services include CurateND and the Hesburgh Libraries’ Center for Digital Scholarship (CDS). The CDS houses and supports state-of-the art technologies, enabling students and faculty to explore new methodologies, analyze complex data, share research results and work with collaborative multidisciplinary teams. The center’s current research, support, consulting and referral services include: Geographic Information Systems; Data Usage and Analysis; Text Mining and Analysis; Data Management Planning; Metadata and Digitization Services.

About the Center for Research Computing

The Center for Research Computing at the University of Notre Dame is an innovative and multidisciplinary research environment that supports collaboration to facilitate discoveries in science and engineering, the arts, humanities and social sciences, through advanced computation, data analysis and other digital research tools. The Center enhances the University’s cyberinfrastructure, provides support for interdisciplinary research and education, and conducts computational research.

About the Data and Software Preservation for Open Science (DASPOS) Project

The DASPOS project team includes computer science experts from the University of Notre Dame and the University of Chicago, physicists from the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC, the DØ experiment at the Tevatron, experts in other data-intensive fields such as bioinformatics and astrophysics, and digital librarians with broad experience in the preservation of large datasets in the sciences and humanities. The DASPOS project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Science Foundation, under Award No. 1247316.

About VecNet

Vector-Borne Disease Network (VecNet) was founded in 2011 and the VecNet portal hosts two mathematical models: the Epidemiological Model of Disease (developed by the Institute for Disease Modelling at Intellectual Ventures) and the OpenMalaria model, (developed by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute) as well as a fully searchable digital library to allow users to access malaria information and data for modeling intervention efficacy.


Center for Open Science 
Andrew Sallans 

Center for Research Computing 
University of Notre Dame 
Jarek Nabrzyski


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