
Open science and transparency practices are hot topics in the scholarly research and scientific community and in the media at large. For media inquiries, contact:
TOP Factor to appear in Master Journal List
The Center for Open Science and the Web of Science Group, a Clarivate Analytics company, are collaborating to incorporate TOP Factor among the information and metrics available...
COS Launches OSF Collection to Aggregate Coronavirus Research Outputs
The Center for Open Science (COS) announces today the launch of theCoronavirus Outbreak Research Collectionin response to the urgent and ongoing need for aggregated and...
COS Receives NSF Award to Create STEM Education Resource Hub
Charlottesville, VA — The Center for Open Science (COS) is pleased to announce it has received an award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to begin creating a resource hub...
Nikki Bialy Joins COS as Chief Operating Officer
Charlottesville, VA — The Center for Open Science announces today the appointment of Dr. Nikki Bialy as its new Chief Operating Officer. Bialy leverages her background in...
COS Announces Community Initiative to Build Open Scholarship Knowledge Base
Charlottesville, VA — The Center for Open Science (COS) announces the launch of theOpen Scholarship Knowledge Base, a community-led initiative to create a comprehensive and open...
New Measure Rates Quality of Research Journals’ Policies to Promote Transparency and Reproducibility
TOP Factor provides a values-aligned rating of journal policies as a counterweight to metrics that incentivize journals to publish exciting results regardless of credibility ...
Center for Open Science Welcomes Three New Members to its Board of Directors
Charlottesville, VA — The Center for Open Science (COS) is pleased to announce the recent appointment of three newboard membersto three-year terms. We welcome Dr. George Banks,...
Getting Scientists to Talk Ethics
COS and UCR Graduate Division Partner to Evaluate Research Ethics Training Intervention Charlottesville, VA — The Center for Open Science (COS) and the University of California,...
Center for Open Science and Internet Archive Announce Collaboration to Preserve Open Data
Charlottesville, VA The Center for Open Science is pleased to announce a collaboration with Internet Archive (IA) to maintain an infrastructure that preserves open data and...
The Center for Open Science, Flu Lab, and the Public Library of Science Launch Initiative to Bridge Knowledge Gaps in Influenza Findings
Charlottesville, VA -- The Center for Open Science is pleased to announce a collaboration withFlu Laband thePublic Library of Science(PLOS) to launch theOpening Influenza...
Center for Open Science and EdArXiv Launch Branded Preprint Service for Education Research
Charlottesville, VA The Center for Open Science is pleased to partner with open access proponents and community leaders in education to launchEdArXiv. Developed and managed by a...
Center for Open Science and IndiaRxiv Launch Branded Preprint Service
Charlottesville, VA Open Access Indiaand the Center for Open Science have collaborated to launchIndiaRxiv, India's first preprint service. IndiaRxiv began as a vision for a...