Center for Open Science

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Metascience 2023: Exploring the Methods and Practices of Scientific Research
Many scholarly fields conduct descriptive research about the research process. Advocates and reformers have prescriptive ideas about how the research process might be improved....
Tags: Reproducibility, Research, Open Science, metascience, Metascience2023
Watch the Data Sharing for Qualitative Research Webinar
Researchers in the U.S. and elsewhere are increasingly expected to have data management and sharing plans. Recently, the White House Office of Science Technology & Policy (OSTP) ...
Tags: Research, Open Science, Webinar
Global Flourishing Study Promotes Open Access Data
What does it mean to live well? What makes people happy? These are just a few of the questions the Global Flourishing Study plans to examine across 22 geographically and...
Tags: Preregistration, Research, Data, Community, Open Science
Funding Consciousness Research with Registered Reports: Promoting Best Practices in Reproducible Research
With funding from the Templeton World Charity Foundation, the Center for Open Science (COS) is leading an initiative in partnership with the Association for the Scientific Study...
Tags: Research, Community, Open Science, Registered Reports, Consciousness
Watch the Supporting Open Science in the Promotion & Tenure Process: Lessons from the University of Maryland Webinar
The academic promotion and tenure process establishes the incentive structure for institutions of higher education. Open science champions have long advocated for the process to...
Tags: Community, Open Science, Culture Change, Education, Policy, Webinar
A Win for Open Science: White House OSTP’s Updated Guidance Advances Open Access and Data Sharing Across Federal Agencies
The Center for Open Science (COS) supports the new policy update from the White House Office of Science Technology & Policy (OSTP) ensuring free, immediate, and equitable access...
Tags: Data, Community, Open Science, Culture Change, Open Access, Accessibility
Watch the Catalyzing Open Science Globally: Use Cases and Translated Resources Webinar
Communities of researchers from diverse groups and cultures around the globe use the Open Science Framework (OSF) to support their research workflows. Having support materials and...
Tags: OSF, Community, Open Science, Webinars
Watch the Demystifying the Data Anonymization Process: Myths and Best Practices Webinar
Many well-meaning and ambitious researchers get tangled in the process of data anonymization. A thoughtful approach to anonymization is critical to achieving regulatory...
Tags: Research, Data, Community, Open Science, Webinars
Watch the Registered Reports and Funding in Consciousness and Religion Research Webinar
Registered Reports is a publishing format that emphasizes the importance of the research question and the quality of methodology by conducting peer review prior to data...
Tags: Research, Community, Open Science, Webinars, Registered Reports, Consciousness
Creating Community Connections: Advancing Open Science Education Research
As part of our theory of change strategy, the Center for Open Science (COS) offers researchers tools and services to make research better, more efficient, and more reproducible....
Tags: Research, Community, Open Science, Open Scholarship Knowledge Base, Education