Center for Open Science

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Watch the Funding Consciousness Research with Registered Reports Webinar
With funding from the Templeton World Charity foundation, the Center for Open Science (COS) has launched a new initiative in partnership with the Association for the Scientific...
Tags: Research, Community, Open Science, Webinars, Registered Reports, Consciousness
Encouraging Open Science Practices in Influenza Research
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), global influenza epidemics are estimated to result in about 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness and upwards of 650,000...
Tags: Replication, Research, Community, Open Science
Open Science Badges Are Going Viral
We are flattered and humbled. But mostly, we’re just grateful. To encourage authors to provide open access to their data, our friends at the Public Library of Science (PLOS) has...
Tags: Research, OSF, Community, Open Science, Badges
Open Science at the 2022 AERA Annual Meeting
Open science practices are growing among education researchers. These behaviors seek to better align research behaviors with the research values of openness, transparency, rigor,...
Tags: Research, Community, Open Science, Open Scholarship Knowledge Base, Education
COS Partnership Provides Early Peer Review to Improve Study of the Effectiveness of a Mobile App for Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Elise Cardinale, a researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland, leads a team that is aiming to integrate neuroscience and mobile technology...
Tags: Preregistration, Research, OSF, Community, Open Science
That's So Meta: COS Metascientist Meets with Meta-community
Have you ever heard the phrase, “That’s so meta!” and wondered what it meant? In a nutshell, it refers to ideas or moments that are self-referential and circular in nature. It’s...
Tags: Research, OSF, Community, Transparency & Reproducibility, metascience
Watch the 2022 Unconference on Open Scholarship Practices for Education Research
We’re proud of this year’s Unconference on Open Scholarship Practices for Education Research (UOSPER), which brought together more than 450 members of the education research...
Tags: Research, OSF, Community, Education, Unconference
Character Lab Partners with COS to Promote Science-based Ways to build Good Character Traits in Children
There is an abundance of scientific evidence showing that positive character traits like self-control, curiosity, and gratitude don’t just make good citizens – they make happier...
Tags: Open Science, Open Access, open data, Open Source
Watch COS Webinar: A Guide to Supporting Early Career Researchers in Open Science
Supporting early career researchers in their open science journey is critical for the future of the field. The development of open science behaviors, however, often requires...
Tags: Preregistration, Research, OSF, Community, Registered Reports, Academia, Webinar
Watch the Updating Registration Webinar
Open Science aims to make scientific processes more transparent and the results more accessible to the research community. Preregistration is one of the available open science...
Tags: OSF, Community, Academia