Center for Open Science

Recent Posts

Interview: Dr. Daniel Simons, editor of Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS) on how to “get started” with open science practices
The journal Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS) publishes academic articles on scientific research methods across the psychological sciences. AMPPS...
Tags: Preregistration, TOP, Journals, TOP Factor
The Open Research Lifecycle
Society invests billions of dollars in research each year, and too much of that investment goes to waste. Researchers are rewarded for sensational findings rather than rigorous...
Shared Investment in OSF Sustainability
We launched the Open Science Framework (OSF) in 2012 as infrastructure to support our mission to change the research culture toward openness, integrity, and reproducibility. With...
Tags: OSF, Storage, Add-ons, Sustainability
IAFNS's growing OSF Collection aggregates supported research
The collection improves visibility of the scope and rigor of nutrition science and food safety studies conducted by investigators funded by the Institute for the Advancement of...
Tags: OSF Collections, IAFNS
Open science is more important than ever
Like many of you, the COS team has been working from home since mid-March: managing collaborative work, daily scrums, and technical projects via videoconference while wrangling...
Re-engineering Ethics Training: An Interview with Dena Plemmons and Erica Baranski
The Institutional Re-engineering of Ethical Discourse in STEM (iREDS) curriculum is a new research ethics training that facilitates interpersonal communications among lab...
Tags: Research Best Practices
Journals test the Materials Design Analysis Reporting (MDAR) checklist
This update is being shared on the work of the Minimum Standards Working Group through coordinated posts on member platforms. If you would like more information about the work...
Tags: Scholarly Publishing
Announcing a joint effort to improve research transparency: FAIRSharing and TOP Guidelines
FAIRsharing and the Transparency and Openness Promotion Guidelines (TOP) are two community efforts that aim to increase the number of journal and research funder policies that...
Tags: Collaboration, TOP Guidelines, FAIRsharing
How to Collaborate with Industry Using Open Science
Authors: Samuel Robson, Brooklyn Corbett, Duncan McCarthy, Gianni Ribeiro, Rachel Searston, Jason Tangen, Matthew Thompson After several years working on fundamental cancer...
Tags: Collaboration, Open Science, Industry