Now you can endorse papers on OSF Preprints with Plaudit

November 14th, 2019,

We just integrated Plaudit across OSF preprint servers, now allowing researchers to openly endorse papers they find valuable.

Why bring personal recommendations to research? Endorsements help increase visibility for researchers, regardless of where their work is published, while informing others what readers found beneficial about a preprint—whether it was methodologically rigorous, comprehensible, and/or particularly exciting to read. 

Endorsements can also help incentivize the use of preprint services and other sharing platforms that aim to widen the window of discovery during the publishing phase. 

Ultimately, endorsements are a way to shift attention to the rigor and value of authors’ work and provide alternatives to journal associations as the prioritized indicator of quality. Giving your endorsement can contribute to a culture that rewards research that pursues “getting it right” over “getting it published.”

How does it work? Plaudit identifies endorsements through a researcher's ORCID iD, and the work they endorse through DOIs. This data is supplied to Crossref Event Data, which then populates endorsements across participating platforms.

To endorse a preprint, start by navigating to the Plaudit button located in the top right-hand corner of any OSF preprint. Then, add your endorsement of 1) robust, 2) clear, or 3) exciting.




Once submitted, you’ll be directed to authorize Plaudit through your ORCID iD. After signing in and authorizing through ORCID, your endorsement will then be publicly displayed next to the preprint.


Authorizing Plaudit through your ORCID iD will also create a personal endorsements page where others can view the work you’ve recommended using Plaudit. 

Learn more about endorsing work through Plaudit in these OSF Plaudit help guides, and head to any preprint server today to endorse the research you appreciate!


Plaudit was innovated by publishers, technologists, and researchers. Read more about the development of Plaudit — from the conceptualization of a prototype at an eLife innovation sprint, to receiving developmental support from eLife in collaboration with COS, to its production across OSF Preprint services.

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