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Recap of the Year of Open Science Culminating Conference

Written by Center for Open Science | May 7, 2024 7:55:58 PM

The Year of Open Science Culminating Conference, convened by the Center for Open Science (COS) through support by NASA and in collaboration with several organizations, was held on March 21-22, 2024. This event marked a significant moment in the open science movement, drawing a wide array of stakeholders from around the globe. The conference was not only a platform for sharing achievements and discussions but also a springboard for future initiatives in the realm of open science.

By the Numbers

Session Highlights

The conference featured several key sessions, each addressing crucial aspects of open science. Check out recordings and summaries from the plenary sessions below.

Reflections on a Year of Open Science
This session, led by Ana Persic (UNESCO), Maryam Zaringhalam (OSTP), and Chelle Gentemann (NASA), and moderated by Lisa Cuevas Shaw (COS) and Alison Parker (Wilson Center Science and Technology Innovation Program), reviewed the progress made over the past year. The discussion focused on significant initiatives and the roadmap for continuing the expansion of open science practices.


The Role of Grassroots Initiatives
Jacob Green (OSPO++), Brianna Johns (Gathering for Open Science Hardware), Nick Halper (neuromatch), and Daniela Saderi (PREreview), under the moderation of Emmy Tsang (Invest in Open Infrastructure), highlighted the vital contributions of grassroots movements. These initiatives are pivotal in fostering the adoption of open science practices, demonstrating the power of community-driven efforts.


Advances in Research Evaluation
A panel consisting of Eva Méndez (CoARA), Haley Hazlett (DORA), and Caitlin Carter (HELIOS), moderated by Brian Nosek (COS), shed light on significant advances in research evaluation both in the US and globally. Their insights into large-scale efforts provided a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape of research assessment.


Ongoing Federal Support for Open Science
In a discussion moderated by Chris Erdmann (SciLifeLab), speakers from major U.S. federal agencies, including Susan Gregurick (NIH), Martin Halbert (NSF), and Brian Hitson (DOE), outlined ongoing activities and future plans to advance open science. This session underscored the governmental support essential for sustaining momentum in open science initiatives. 


In addition to the plenary sessions, you can dive into recordings from 32 additional sessions held over the two-day event, including lightning talks, organizational stories of successes and challenges, and sessions ranging from infrastructure to policy. Presentation materials can also be accessed and downloaded on the OSF.

Looking Forward

The Year of Open Science Culminating Conference was not just a reflection of past achievements but also a call to action for future endeavors. The discussions and presentations underscored the ongoing commitment of various stakeholders to promote transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration in scientific research. As the movement grows, the continued engagement of the global community will be vital in shaping an open and collaborative scientific landscape.

Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to the success of this significant event. We look forward to continued collaboration and innovation.