Posts tagged with 'open science'

Transforming Research with Data Curation Practices
The following blog is based on a recent webinar with the Data Curation Network. You can watch the full recording here. Data curation is the ongoing process of managing research...
Tags: OSF, Open Science, FAIR research, data curation
Mutual Support for Open Science
If you are reading this, you likely work, or have worked, as a scientific researcher, or as a professional who supports research. If you haven’t, you probably at least care about...
Tags: Open Science
Introducing Support Beacons on the OSF: Help at Your Fingertips
We’re thrilled to announce a pilot of our new OSF Help Beacons, designed to make your OSF experience even smoother! These beacons, a feature of our support desk technology from ...
Tags: OSF, Open Science
Member Spotlight: Communities of Practice at Florida State University and the University of Cincinnati
The following blog is based on a recent webinar with Florida State University and the University of Cincinnati. You can watch the full recording here. Member Spotlight:...
Tags: Open Science, OSF Institutions, Member Spotlight
Researcher Q&A: A Conversation About the Better Poster Project
Mike Morrison, PhD, is an organizational psychologist and the lead UX researcher at Curvenote. While in graduate school in 2019, he posted a YouTube cartoon about creating better...
Tags: Research, OSF, Open Science
Getting Ready for Open Science
Academic research is moving towards a near future where “as open as possible” will be the common standard. Most notably, 2025 will be the year in which most research in the U.S....
Tags: Open Science, Open Access, Data Management
Introducing Lifecycle Journal: An Innovation in Scholarly Communication
The Center for Open Science (COS) is conducting a 3-year research and development project called Lifecycle Journal to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and suitability for...
Tags: Open Science, Scholarly Communication, Lifecycle Journal
Guest Post — Git, GitHub, and You: How Collaborative Writing Tools Propel Open Science
One voice can make a stunning melody, but a chorus of voices weaves soul-stirring harmonies otherwise impossible to achieve. In the same way, collaboration transforms innovative...
Tags: Research, Open Science, Open Code, Training
New Preprint Introduces Major Update to the TOP Guidelines
The Center for Open Science (COS) is pleased to introduce a major update to the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines, dubbed TOP 2025. The TOP Guidelines are an...
Tags: TOP Guidelines, Open Science
Researcher Q&A: A Conversation About Research on the Influence of Public Libraries on Community Well Being
Margo Gustina is a PhD candidate at the University of New Mexico Department of Economics and a Bowden Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin iSchool. Their research includes...
Tags: Research, OSF, Open Science