Posts tagged with 'open science'

Call for Volunteers: TOP Guidelines Advisory Board and Preregistration Template Evaluation Working Group
Are you passionate about promoting transparency and openness in scientific research? The Center for Open Science (COS) is currently seeking volunteers for two opportunities. We...
Tags: Preregistration, TOP Guidelines, Open Science, Volunteers
Registration Opens for Year of Open Science Culminating Conference, Highlighting Open Science in the U.S. Federal Context and Beyond
Registration is now open for the Year of Open Science Culminating Conference, hosted by the Center for Open Science (COS), with the support of NASA, This no-cost, online event...
Tags: Open Science, Year of Open Science
COS Helps Education and Social Science Databases GO FAIR in Metadata for Machines Workshop
Metadata, also known as “data about data,” contains information about research objects (data, materials, preprints, and so on) that is helpful in locating and providing context to...
Tags: Open Science, Metadata
OSF Add-ons Expand to Include Cloud Computing with Boa
A key priority of the OSF is to build toward research communities, making many of their open practices possible and easier. This includes integrating tools that they already use,...
Tags: OSF, Open Science, Add-ons
The NSF Wants You to Help Shape the Future of Science. Here’s How.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is entering a new era with the release of NSF Public Access Plan 2.0, a significant update to existing public access requirements. Responding...
Tags: Open Science, Policy, OSTP
Enhancing Reproducibility in Drug Development Research
In a recent feature in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, Tim Errington, the Director of Research at the Center for Open Science, delves into the pressing necessity for...
Tags: Reproducibility, Open Science
Call for Proposals: Year of Open Science Culminating Conference
The Center for Open Science (COS), in collaboration with NASA, is hosting a no-cost, online culminating conference on March 21 and 22, 2024, to showcase the outcomes,...
Tags: Open Science, Year of Open Science
Who’s at the Center? A Profile of Two COS Team Members
Every weekday at the Center for Open Science (COS), 47 talented individuals work hard in different ways to help improve the tools, methods, processes, and incentives involved in...
Tags: Research, OSF, Open Science
How Humanity Flourishes (And How Open Science Can Too)
A new research project, one that is huge in both scale and potential for impact, is poised to increase our understanding of how human beings live and enjoy life to the fullest...
Tags: Preregistration, Open Science, Registered Reports, Global Flourishing Study
Unveiling NASA's Open Science 101: Your Pathway to Open Science Excellence
NASA has taken a giant leap in fostering openness, collaboration, and inclusivity in the scientific community. The space agency has recently launched its groundbreaking Open...
Tags: Open Science, NASA, Training