Posts tagged with 'osf'

OSF Adds New Metadata Features to Meet Desirable Characteristics for Federally Funded Research
Last year we did a self-assessment of the OSF as part of the NIH’s Generalist Repositories Ecosystem Initiative (GREI), based on the desirable characteristics for data...
Tags: OSF, Open Science, Metadata
New OSF Metadata to Support Data Sharing Policy Compliance
One of the most important features of OSF is something you may not even be aware of, yet you use it all the time: Metadata. All OSF Projects, Registrations, and Preprints come...
Tags: OSF, Open Science, Metadata
Badges for Open Research Practices Now Available on OSF Registrations
Changing the research culture to more open, transparent, and reproducible practices is a collective action movement across the entire research system. In a coordinated systematic...
Tags: OSF, Open Science, Registrations, Badges, Compliance, Open Code, Open Materials
Surpassing 100,000 Registrations on OSF: Strides in Adoption of Open and Reproducible Research
The growth in the global open science research community shows no signs of slowing down. Examples of openness and improved rigor are everywhere. One example of that growth is the...
Tags: Preregistration, OSF, Open Science, Registrations
500,000 OSF Users: Celebrating a Global Open Science Community
Ten years ago, open science was an unfamiliar concept and the only practitioners were innovators seeking to do science in a more rigorous, transparent, and inclusive way. These...
Tags: OSF, Community, Open Science
Watch the Catalyzing Open Science Globally: Use Cases and Translated Resources Webinar
Communities of researchers from diverse groups and cultures around the globe use the Open Science Framework (OSF) to support their research workflows. Having support materials and...
Tags: OSF, Community, Open Science, Webinars
How OSF Meets ‘Desirable Characteristics for Data Repositories’
Both the National Institutes for Health (NIH) and National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in the United States have recently issued important guidelines to help the...
Tags: OSF, Open Science
New Frontiers for Files on OSF
Publishers, funders, and institutions are overwhelmingly pursuing FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse) standards, enabling shared content to be findable,...
Tags: OSF, Open Science
Continued Growth in OSF Usage: Catalyzing Change in Open Practices
Since COS was founded in 2013, we have had non-linear growth on our key performance indicators. For example, the average number of new Open Science Framework (OSF) users per day...
Tags: OSF, Community, Open Science
Open Science Badges Are Going Viral
We are flattered and humbled. But mostly, we’re just grateful. To encourage authors to provide open access to their data, our friends at the Public Library of Science (PLOS) has...
Tags: Research, OSF, Community, Open Science, Badges