Posts tagged with 'preregistration'

Call for Volunteers: TOP Guidelines Advisory Board and Preregistration Template Evaluation Working Group
Are you passionate about promoting transparency and openness in scientific research? The Center for Open Science (COS) is currently seeking volunteers for two opportunities. We...
Tags: Preregistration, TOP Guidelines, Open Science, Volunteers
Global Flourishing Study Promotes Open Access Data
What does it mean to live well? What makes people happy? These are just a few of the questions the Global Flourishing Study plans to examine across 22 geographically and...
Tags: Preregistration, Research, Data, Community, Open Science
Surpassing 100,000 Registrations on OSF: Strides in Adoption of Open and Reproducible Research
The growth in the global open science research community shows no signs of slowing down. Examples of openness and improved rigor are everywhere. One example of that growth is the...
Tags: Preregistration, OSF, Open Science, Registrations
COS Partnership Provides Early Peer Review to Improve Study of the Effectiveness of a Mobile App for Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Elise Cardinale, a researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland, leads a team that is aiming to integrate neuroscience and mobile technology...
Tags: Preregistration, Research, OSF, Community, Open Science
Watch COS Webinar: A Guide to Supporting Early Career Researchers in Open Science
Supporting early career researchers in their open science journey is critical for the future of the field. The development of open science behaviors, however, often requires...
Tags: Preregistration, Research, OSF, Community, Registered Reports, Academia, Webinar
Preregistration: A Plan for Communities, Not a Prison for Researchers
Preregistration is the process of specifying key study and analysis details and decisions before conducting the experiment. The main goal of preregistering one’s research is to...
Tags: Transparency, Preregistration, Community, Culture Change, OSF Registries
Take the Preregistration Pledge with Project Free Our Knowledge
COS is collaborating with Project Free Our Knowledge (FOK) to support ECRs and others advancing open behaviors in their fields, and is pleased to partner with FOK’s...
Tags: Preregistration, Open Science, Culture Change, Academia
Interview: Dr. Daniel Simons, editor of Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS) on how to “get started” with open science practices
The journal Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS) publishes academic articles on scientific research methods across the psychological sciences. AMPPS...
Tags: Preregistration, TOP, Journals, TOP Factor
Improving research rigor just got quicker
This week OSF added a new workflow to start a registration without needing an existing OSF project, making the registration process quick and easy to get started. The new...
Tags: Preregistration, OSF, OSF Registries, Registration
Qualitative Preregistration
Against the backdrop of an alleged reproducibility crisis and awareness of researcher misbehavior, the practice of preregistration is enjoying increasing popularity — especially...
Tags: Preregistration, Qualitative Preregistration