Posts tagged with 'research best practices'

The Reforms Are Working: Evidence That the Credibility of Social-Behavioral Sciences Can Be Improved
Update: The paper mentioned in this blog has since been retracted. Read the authors' summary response. The landscape of social-behavioral sciences, particularly psychology,...
Tags: Replication, Reproducibility, Research, Research Best Practices, Open Science, Replicability
Streamline your research workflow with OSF storage integrations
OSF works to meet the researcher where they are by integrating the tools they know and trust into their research management workflow on OSF. One of those integrations is OSF...
Tags: OSF, Storage, Research Best Practices, Add-ons
Introducing the Open Scholarship Knowledge Base
COS is pleased to announce the new Open Scholarship Knowledge Base (OSKB), a free public repository of open practice learning resources and training materials to support...
Tags: Research Best Practices, Open Scholarship Knowledge Base, Education
Re-engineering Ethics Training: An Interview with Dena Plemmons and Erica Baranski
The Institutional Re-engineering of Ethical Discourse in STEM (iREDS) curriculum is a new research ethics training that facilitates interpersonal communications among lab...
Tags: Research Best Practices
COS Collaborates with Case Medical Research to Support Free Video Publishing for Clinicians and Researchers
Video as research material is growing in appeal within the life sciences community as more researchers and clinicians seek ways to make their findings open and accessible.Imagine...
Tags: Research Best Practices, Clinicians, Life Sciences, Open Access, Case Medical Research
Towards minimal reporting standards for life scientists
Transparency in reporting benefits scientific communication on many levels. While specific needs and expectations vary across fields, the effective use of research findings...
Tags: Scholarly Publishing, Research Best Practices, TOP Guidelines
Interview: Randy McCarthy discusses his experiences with publishing his first Registered Report
Registered Reports is a publishing format in which peer review occurs before results are known. This changes the equation of scientific publishing. Reviewers are focused on...
Tags: Preregistration, Research Best Practices
Why pre-registration might be better for your career and well-being
Registered Reports is a publishing format in which peer review occurs before results are known. This changes the equation of scientific publishing. Reviewers are focused on...
Tags: Preregistration, Research Best Practices
The Landscape of Open Data Policies
Note: This post was updated on November 7, 2018 to reflect the changes recently implemented by Wiley, described here. The original version of this post can be found on the ...
Tags: Scholarly Publishing, Research Best Practices, TOP Guidelines, Transparency & Reproducibility
We're Committed to GDPR. Here's How
The Center for Open Science is committed to our users’ privacy and protection of their data. On May 25, 2018, extensive changes in EU data protection law (General Data Protection...
Tags: Content Management, Project Management, Research Best Practices