Supporting funder commitments to scientific integrity

OSF Collections gives funders the tools to implement open policies. Easily track compliance for awardees, incentivize transparent methods, and ensure outputs are discoverable for reuse.

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Aggregate the open outcomes of your investigators

OSF Collections is backed by OSF, the core platform for collaborative research management. OSF offers DOIs for persistent access to research content, rich metadata describing objects FAIRly, transparency through project activity logs, and time-stamped archiving and preregistration to improve rigor of research.

A collection aggregates protocols, preregistrations, data management plans, code, analysis plans, data, and other supplemental materials for better discovery.


Tools to implement open policies

Leverage OSF Infrastructure to support the implementation of  Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) policies with your funded researchers. An OSF Collection allows them to quickly add preregistrations, data, protocols, code, and materials through a simple submission workflow.
To aid in TOP compliance, collections owners can implement custom metadata to categorize submissions by program area and status, helping ensure research discovery. Submissions are also displayed on a branded discovery page with metadata facets to facilitate discoverability and reuse.

Improve the rigor and integrity of funded research

OSF’s transparent and rigorous workflows assist researchers in yielding the open, accessible, and reproducible outputs essential for open policy compliance. OSF Collections then provides a central location where awardees can share these open outputs transparently. With an OSF collection, funders can easily see which research teams are meeting the policies they endorse, the specific outputs produced, and even gather insights from analytics on impact and reuse.


Foster new norms for sharing and collaboration

Showing your commitment to open science incentivizes rigorous and transparent research practices. By creating an OSF Collection, you cultivate greater opportunity for open collaboration, knowledge exchange, and innovation. You also encourage the use of OSF for your researchers as the engine to drive them forward and meet your open policies, while catalyzing a change in research culture toward rigor and reproducibility.


Build a collection that shows your commitment to scientific integrity and rigor.

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