Demonstrate the rigor of published research through open sharing of materials

OSF Collections allows journals to organize and aggregate supplemental materials and underlying article data that demonstrate rigor and transparency of research findings.

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Show commitment to research quality and transparency

High quality research is conducted with rigor and integrity. Establishing a workflow of sharing supplemental materials and outputs from the entire research lifecycle through an OSF collection encourages the rigor of research published in your journal.

An OSF collection also helps build trust with research consumers through the transparency of underlying data, code, and materials shared by authors in published findings.

OSF Collections - journal collection

Gather the open materials that support your journal articles

Provide your authors with a public, centralized space to share and host their data, code, and materials underlying articles. The easy OSF Collections submission interface allows contributors to quickly add research and choose the appropriate metadata for quick categorization and better visibility. After submission, projects receive an affiliate indicator showing their link to your collection to promote further discovery.

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Connect with your community

Establish new norms within your research community through engagement and support of high quality research. Incorporate OSF — a community-run, open source tool — into your publication workflow.

An OSF collection further allows you to demonstrate the value of rigor and reproducibility in your published research by connecting the underlying work to the reported findings, which increases trust and signals integrity.

OSF Collections - underlying journal data

Track and view TOP policy compliance

The Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines help align scientific ideals with practices. TOP Factor evaluates journal policies against the TOP Guidelines and signals to stakeholders the steps a journal has taken to implement open science practices. An OSF collection supports a journal's TOP compliance by offering a path toward implementing the transparency of data, analytic methods, research materials, design and analysis, preregistration, and analysis plans.


Build a collection that shows your commitment to scientific integrity and rigor.

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