Data and Code Sharing


Scientific Data Sharing and Selecting a Data Repository “NIH hosts some of the world’s largest biomedical data repositories. Learn what datasets are available and how to access them and how to use them responsibly.

NIH Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI) Collaborative Webinar Series on Data Sharing in Generalist Repositories

Access resources from a series of presentations and panel discussions by generalist repositories to learn about available repository resources and best practices for sharing NIH-funded research. Presented by the members of the NIH Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI): Dryad, Dataverse, Figshare, Mendeley Data, Open Science Framework, and Vivli.

  • Webinar 1: Introduction to Generalist Repositories for NIH Data Sharing
    Learn what a generalist repository is, including key repository features and data sharing use cases for generalist repositories. Find out how generalist repositories fit into the NIH data sharing landscape and the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. Access webinar recording and slides.
  • Webinar 2: Meet the GREI Generalist Repositories
    A panel discussion with the 7 generalist repositories participating in the NIH GREI. We learned about common features and capabilities across repositories as well as repositories that support specific use cases. We discovered how these repositories are working together to support NIH-funded researchers and participated in an audience Q&A. Access webinar recording and slides.
  • Webinar 3: How to include generalist repositories in your NIH data management and sharing plans
    Learn how to include generalist repositories in data sharing plans as part of your preparation for the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy beginning in January 2023. Access the webinar recording and slides.
  • Webinar 4: Best practices for sharing data in a generalist repository
    Metadata, data preparation, and reporting. This webinar will introduce best practices for sharing NIH-funded data in generalist repositories including tips and guidance for generating high quality metadata to describe your data, preparing data files and documentation for sharing, considerations for data licensing and privacy, and reporting on open data and metrics. Access the webinar recording and slides.

CEIRR Network

NIAID recognizes that the data and information obtained through the CEIRR Program will be extremely valuable research resources and that the rapid sharing of these data will be essential in advancing research on influenza and developing therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostics. One of the major roles of the iDPCC is to deposit data on behalf of CEIRR to public databases. View the Data Standards.

COS Webinars on Data Management and Sharing






Code Sharing

Code Ocean “is where great computational research is created, organized, and shared in one place. It is the best way for research teams to standardize research workflow, plus track and reproduce all computations and discoveries.”

Preprints and Journals

ASAPBio provides details on preprints in the biosciences. 

TOP Factor: Search journals on the TOP Factor website. TOP Factor is a metric that reports the steps that a journal is taking to implement open science practices, practices that are based on the core principles of the scientific community. It is an alternative way to assess journal qualities, and is an improvement over traditional metrics that measure mean citation rates. Search results include a link to author instructions on the journal's website where you can read its policies for submission.

Sherpa Romeo is an online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies on a journal-by-journal basis.”

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