Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences (FABBS)

The promotion of Open Science practices is integral to fostering innovation and collaboration in the sciences of mind, brain, and behavior. To support researchers in implementing these practices, a collection of step-by-step guides has been curated, offering valuable direction for integrating Open Science principles into the research process.

Establishing a core set of open science practices in biomedicine: a modified Delphi study | medRxiv

Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT)

  • Curated Resources provide a searchable database of supplemental resources about open science concepts and practices for people wanting to dive deeper into a topic. These resources are helpful both for the trainer in their own skill development and as potential resources that trainers can assign to learners who are more advanced in their learning.
  • Glossary provides a searchable database of supplemental resources about open science concepts and practices for people wanting to dive deeper into a topic. These resources are helpful both for the trainer in their own skill development and as potential resources that trainers can assign to learners who are more advanced in their learning.
  • Replications & Reversals: It is currently difficult to ascertain the robustness of various findings within different scientific fields. These summaries can help trainers who are guiding learners to create replications and/or understand the effect of replications on our understanding of a particular theory or hypothesis. These summaries are helpful both for the trainer in their own skill development and as potential resources for learners who are just starting out in open science.

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